python basic

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python basic

Attributes and Methods in Python

In Python, everything is treated as an object, whether it's a number, a word, a list, or even a function.What Is Attribu...
python basic

Python for Beginners: Understanding Sequences with Lists and Tuples

What is a sequence?Imagine a sequence as a row of labeled storage lockers, each representing a variable in the world of ...
python basic

Condisional Statements in python: if-else, if-elif-else, while-loop, for-loop

Learning ObjectivesIn this article, we'll dell with concepts of "conditional branching," "iterations," and "exception ha...
python basic

Python Objects: A Beginner's Guide to Understanding Objects, Methods, and the Basics of Functions

All data in Python are "objects". What is an object? In this article, we will first discuss objects. After that, we will...